Monday, April 9, 2012

Visit to the Kanembwe Village Near Gisenyi....A Little Downtime Before the Next Trainings

  • The above link is a video I took during our visit at the Kanembwe Village. The people of this village are a marginalized group who were relocated due to reforestation and flooding. They struggle to provide food for the community and rely on farming on land that consists mainly of volcanic rock. It is difficult to see this level of poverty in a setting that is so incredibly beautiful. They are located at the base of the Virunga Mountain region with breathtaking views of the Kisimbe, the active volcano just across the border between Rwanda and the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo). Their village is a three hour walk from the nearest health center, and many pregnant women deliver their babies along the way while attempting to reach the clinic.

We visited a family who had lost their infant just eight days before due to hypothermia (cold). A tragedy that could have been prevented with a few blankets, a knowledge of kangaroo care or a health care facility located closer to their village. (The government does not allow local midwives...they are pushing for women to deliver their babies at the clinics. I understand the thinking, but wonder how many infants will be lost before there are enough accessible clinics to reach those in remote areas) This is not a unique problem in this country. The need is great, and it often feels like our efforts are just a drop in the ocean, but if others contribute a drop as well.....eventually we will make a puddle, and then a pond, and eventually we might fill that ocean.

Below are some of the photos we took as well:

A perk of the visit for my daughter, Cait, was getting to carry a child on her back like the Rwandan women do!

1 comment:

  1. that dance made me cry! so beautiful. i'm so sad i didn't get to see this village... maybe next time. ;)

    also, the boots on the girl on cait's back are adorable!! :) :)
