Monday, April 30, 2012

First Run of the Season with Cap'n Steve and the Boat Dog

Yeah, I life sucks! Hahahaha! After a looooong three days of work (go ahead and roll your eyes, I deserve it), we decided to spend some days off at the lake. First run of the season, and it was a great one. Bailey the boat dog would probably disagree since she fell out of the boat and had to swim for it, but hopefully she learned a valuable lesson.....when Cap'n Steve guns it at the end of the "no wake" zone, you better be hanging on! She's none the worse for wear, though, and still had a good time.

I love being at the lake during the "off" season. There are no crowds, the lake is calm and quiet, and we can RELAX! The first day, although a bit chilly, was gorgeous. We found a favorite cove and spent, we're not sure how long exactly, some time napping in the boat. Yep, we're old and dorky! Even the dog enjoyed the nap--she's old and dorky, too. We weren't so odd, though. This turtle was napping in the sun as well!

It's always good to recharge every once in awhile. Brings clarity to one's thoughts and renewed purpose for getting out there and being useful. I've finally learned....took many years.....that down time is not wasted time. I come up with some of my best work when I am doing nothing. Maybe in a few more years I'll remember to write ideas down during these times since I never remember them once I get back to "the real world." Or, maybe I'll just let them come and go and continue to escape for awhile from the chaos! What do you think?

Here's hoping this was just the beginning of many more long, lazy days at the lake this summer!

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