Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am an only child. This lot in life has always left me feeling a bit cheated and like I missed out on something terribly important. For most of my life I thought that something was a brother. When I was around 12, I decided to "adopt" one. My parents had some good friends at our church who had a son, also an only child, who was a few (6) years older than me. I proposed a deal with him for us to become "adopted" siblings. Now I'm sure this gave him a laugh, but he chose to humor me and agreed to be my big brother. He's been a pretty good big brother over the years....I've had the benefit of knowing he's there if I need him, but without having to put up with the teasing and tormenting that biological brothers inflict on their sisters (although, having a son and daughter myself now, I know this is something important in that relationship that I've also missed out on). Now I wouldn't trade Ken for anything in the fact, he's still looking out for me on the executive board of One Good Deed.....however, as I've entered my middle-aged years, I've come to realize there's something else I've missed out on as an only child....and that is SISTERS!

I never wanted a sister growing up. All of the ones I knew who were sisters of my friends seemed like an awful lot of trouble and, well.....competition! As it turns out, we really do get wiser with age. I think getting older brings its own perspective on life which is lost on our youth simply for the fact that we haven't yet lived enough to realize that all of the things we found to be of great importance in our younger years really don't amount to much. When I found my current (and last--because he's wonderful and perfect for me!) husband, I also inherited his sisters and sisters-in-law. This opened a new and marvelous world to me!

Don't get me wrong here....I had a great assortment of female friends over the span of my life, and shared many experiences that were made richer for those relationships. was different. In my life now I still find myself with an assortment of female friends and also some inherited sisters who, I am happy to say are also my friends. To my amazement and great joy, I have found these marvelous creatures to be just about the best thing EVER!

Have I mentioned before that I am really rather shy? Hard to believe for some of you, I know, but it's true. The women in my life these days who have become my extended family, and whom I've come to think of as "Sistas," have filled that void that was there in my childhood. Okay, so some of you are thinking "big deal, she's talking about networking." Not so....networks are who you call when you need a job or a professional introduction or the name of the person who can put you in touch with the get my drift. But "Sistas" are the ones who coax you into a goofy hat and proper attire for a royal wedding to sip champagne beverages and watch Will and Kate say "I do" as you totally make teary, sniveling fools out of yourselves while proclaiming how terribly sweet and romantic it all is. "Sistas" spice up a routine cab ride by spinning a tale to the cabbie about you being dairy farmers from Wisconsin who are in town for a cheese convention, and then later get him to agree to drive across town to pick up a last minute Christmas gift for your grandchild who just today told you she can't possibly live without something you realize you've overlooked on her list and you can't possibly go yourself because you're already in your jammies and of course you will pay him handsomely. They are the ones who call you to tell you about a grant that might be perfect for your organization---not to be confused with networking because the sista actually prints off the application and brings it to you and offers to help write it. Or they climb a display at the department store to dismantle and undress the manikin torso who they are sure is wearing the size you need for your husband. "Sistas" have your back at all times no matter what and will rally to your side whatever the occasion or disaster and immediately formulate a plan, attack, or party befitting the occasion. (and yes, biological sisters can also be "Sistas")

Now, my "Sistas," you know who you are....and you have become many these several years, I have to say you make my life fuller and richer and I don't know how I ever survived before you came along. I do know that I could not possibly survive without you now! Celebrate yourselves.....and let's make a date real soon to put on our most Carrie-like shoes and spend an evening with the sex and the city girls while drinking cosmos and catching up on life!

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